
Tancredi es uno de los hombres más ricos del planeta. Joven, apuesto y refulgente, es inútil de entregarse al amor por culpa de un horrible percance ocurrido años atrás. Sofia era una joven promesa...

Un altísimo honor y una enorme responsabilidad. ¿Cómo fue tu llegada al mundo editorial? ¿Qué consejos le darías a los escritores noveles? En mi caso fue casi casual. Me topé con una historia que llamó mi ate...

Cuando se ha llegado demasiado lejos, huir no es una opción.

Hi, so I just started using guitar pro again after many years. The first few bars I wrote out looked great, but then as soon as they spilled over onto the next line suddenly the space between notes was much bigger making it so only 3 2/...

El sistema de bombeo opera sumergido en el fluido del pozo y suspendido en el extremo de la tubería de producción, generalmente por arriba de la zona de los disparos. En su diseño es importante determinar princ...

Well, he can do whatever he wants now. During a DICE Summit 2016 presentation with pal Guillermo del Toro, Kojima said he feels "very free right now", unconstrained by the dictates of executi...

One day after the launch of a $350 billion loan program designed to rescue millions of small businesses pummeled by the coronavirus pandemic, technical glitches continued to cripple the abilit...

About Rexel & Billtrust Rexel USA, Inc. and its affiliated entities (collectively "Rexel USA") have contracted with Billtrust, a third party online payment processor, in order to provide you with the convenience of online...

4B Number of Funding Rounds 609 Total Funding Amount $4.

EL CÍRCULO ROJO Sergio Olguín: "El feminismo cambió la forma de vincularse entre varones" 11 de febrero | Conversación con el escritor Sergio Olguín sobre su libro más reciente, Los hombres son to...

But a) it's possible that people could start doing something different with his name and b) it's possible that I've overlooked something that makes your variation especially clever. (Perhaps I should have given bonus points to any name that menti...

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